Saturday, January 19, 2008


The funny thing about this sign was that it came in the middle of a very rainy period in Los Angeles. You can't really tell because of the blue skies behind Milt & Edie. But trust me, it's been raining more than usual in L.A. which is nice. I love the dry, clean, sparse feel you get from living in a desert...I've definitely got a little Howard Hughes in me, he loved the desert too...

But it didn't realize how much I missed the rain, even if only for a couple of weeks, until it started raining again in L.A. My windshield wipers didn't work of course because they dried out from never being used. And you can't see shit because there aren't any reflecters on the road. And everyone drives like crap because their windshield wipers don't work and they can't see shit. And the rain washes all the dirt off of the roads and makes it slick. See I bet you thought that everyone in L.A. couldn't drive in the rain because they were idiots. It's actually a combination of windshield wiper failure, lack of reflecters and dirt slicked roads. And everyone's a frickin' idiot.

There's definitely a lot of dancing going on lately in the rain though. It smells different in the city, like wet dog, but I kinda like it, mostly because I don't have live with a wet dog all year round. I'm sure if I lived in Seattle I'd just survive the storm. It's alot easier to dance in the rain when you only have a rainstorm once every couple of years.

I also like how we don't have hard pounding East Coast rain drops. We've got our own gentle Los Angeles varietal of rain that makes dealing with rain much more palatable and danceable. Plus we don't have lightning or thunder (I can never remember which) that's kind of weird, but I guess if you are a Southern California kid and you never grew up with it, you would never miss it. The sounds of rainstorms are muted in Los Angeles. The rain drops themsevles are muted.

We get rain-lite here and that's just enough rain for me to dance around and not feel too bad about the weather.

1 comment:

Carole said...

I love the photo/signs. Thanks for bringing a little Burbank to me. Edie (eedie) is a woman's name. Milt and Edie sound like a cool elderly Jewish couple. I hope you get to meet them someday. You must have something to clean. Go in and take their photos. They'll love it. Love, Mom