Saturday, January 19, 2008


Again once you start thinking about these a little too hard, maybe they fall apart. Because on the surface this seems like one of the sweet ones. It's a sign all about friendship cementing us together. Aw. This could be on a Hallmark card.

But what if sign maker was commenting on a loveless marriage? Where friendship was the only thing holding it all together. No more love, passion, romance, sex, intensity. All that couple has is friendship. And apparently rock hard cement.

Or if it is a couple of friends, really, that's it, that's all we have, friendship? Why wouldn't love also be the glue in our relationship? Or memories, that makes a great cement. How about common experiences?

I'd maybe take out the only. It seems so limiting.

Oh Milt & Edie, how you challenge my thinking with your deceptively simple signs.

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